Sunday, February 2, 2014

Book Review

     The book I am doing a review over is The Last Apprentice Wrath of the Bloodeye, to kick this book off it is all fiction, it contains magic, witches, battles between wizards and fiends. Tom, the spooks apprentice, has been training with him ever since he was a child, Toms first experience he had feared was being face to face with a witch. Now this is book Five out of Seven I believe, but his first encounter with a witch had not been as bad as he planned it to be. Reason being for that is because he has the spook with him, although they have kill witches in the spooks garden where he leaves them after they catch them and drain their inner spirit so they do not have enough strength to defend themselves and eventually get slain. This witch Tom was faced with was not like the others, she was half Deane and half Malkin, two different witch tribes that are complete opposites, Alice the name of Toms first capture turns out to be a big role in Apprentice training. Not only has she saved him from being drafted off into the army by this press-gang that forces who ever they want into joining the army after they lose men already fighting. There is a greater strength that tom has to fear being the Devil himself later on in the story. The gender role of fiend and witches were all women, this was set during the time of the black plague but is still a fictional read. I plan on reading the rest of this series soon reading the other two or three books, but if you enjoy reading about witch craft, battle between fiends, boggarts, and having wizards mixed in to it all, The Last Apprentice will keep you reading until the very end. I would give this book a 5/5.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


     In a article written by Shannon Ruane on April 4, 2013 called "Civic Issues" Explaining some of the effects of Female Gender Roles in Society. She briefly touched upon some female roles in her previous post but she did not give a lot of direct social effects that women have.

     Looking back in history it's easy to see what has and has not changed from 100's of years ago, to today's standings. As a science major she looks at the science side, being that women in society stem from their functions of giving birth, raise the kids, taking care of the house chores, while the men would be out killing, hunting, the more of a aggressive worker. All of this started since the earliest of society, few societies were matriarchal opposed to patriarchal because men were typically the stronger more aggressive of the two individuals.

     Society has taken bigger steps into equalizing male and female roles, jobs, and any other difference that would make either gender looked at differently. Women are suppose to stay home and take care of the house and cook. Obviously these roles stem from the very first role of females in nature as loving, and caring gender, where men were looked at as the one who supplies food from hunting, and out traveling, trading, etc.

     An idea of women should stay home, able's us to apply what job and education women have. Men went out and received a more typical education (math, English, history) girls, if sent to school where sent to finish learning sewing, etiquette, and maybe a little arithmetic to help house hold matters. Women stayed home to read, learned to write, while men took their education they earned and made a job out of it to supply either themselves or their family.

     Still into today society women are portrayed as the helpless damsel in distress, look at movies and books. From Snow White to Sleep Beauty, famous females are figures of someone who needs to be saved in the end. As children girls get dolls, while boys get video games, "strong" action figures, tool sets, women are valued by their looks and appearance. All of these things may seem small and insignificant but the small things can add up and effects they have on society are pretty obvious.

     Adding all of this up is depends on how you are raised, you could be a female playing with "strong" action figures instead of dolls, but seeing how people act in society shows how they were raised and women are still looked upon as the weaker role and are here for their beauty in looks, I still don't think that's all its about, but reading this is what comes to me and I do not see the difference as a trained female killing a wolf, over a trained male killing a wolf.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


     In a recent article written by Abby Kaplan called "Traditional Gender roles" explains how society has a affect on gender roles such as women in a negative way, saying if you ask people weather women have equal trade in the real world people will say yes. But in reality they get judge and critiqued harder than a man applying for a job would.
     In 2007,an average women earned 78 cents compared to a dollar that a man earned in the same position, in a life time earnings that adds up to $700,000 to $2,000,00 less than a man would earn in a lifetime career earnings. A recent study looking at two resumes one a women and one a mans, it shows that the women's resume was judged and graded harder than the mans was, giving the women a lower score this shows that the message is clear that men are still considered superior to women.
      General society expects more from men than women, men being the breadwinners of the household and women stay at home taking care of the children and work needed to be in or around the house. Yes women do work business jobs but its still an expectation, women must chose between a career, job, or being called a bad parent for not supporting the family. Men do not have to put up with all the junk people can give them about being a bad father/husband, if they do not work they are told they are neglecting their family.

     Women are looked at as working in different areas than men, childcare, social work, heath aid type jobs, jobs that pay less than "masculine" jobs such as any works from math and science degree. In some countries boys are valued so much more than girls that women will have an abortion if they find out that their child is a girl, The discrimination is more subtle, but still exists.

     My thoughts on the whole men dominate women is just beyond stupidity to me, if women want to be a lumberjack worker why must they be judged, if she works out she could be small but lift more than the biggest guy there. But that's just one of my thoughts on this, I see it as men can do anything women do and a women can do anything a man can do, even if it requires them to do it differently they can still do it.