Monday, November 12, 2012

Reasoning for many of years and years to come, everyone argues about "At what point does defending one's ideals turn into indefensible hysteria." People usually defend their ideals can take it to far or past the point were explaining something will be taken serious. To me ideals should not even be taking serious since its just a satisfying thought, unless the person you are chatting with looks you in the eyes and yells at you saying hes going to do this and that, there is no reason ideals should ever be fought over, I can see people sending explanations back and forth to each other but crossing the line or taking it to far should just be ignored. Defending your ideal is probably one of the main things to worry about when swapping decent thoughts of ideals, or just having information to back up your train of thought. When you or your partner start yelling at each other or getting mad looks all over your face, steam coming out of your ears, then someone knows someone has gone to far in defending their ideal.

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